20.11.2024—17.08.2025 BLOCKCHAIN UNCHAINED: DAO & The Museum, conceived in the form of a game, uses augmented reality to let the exhibition create an interactive story...

Pflasterspektakel 2024, various locations, Linz

18.07.2024 – 20.07.2024 A special magic lies over the city when street artists from all over the world turn Linz's city centre into a stage...
Porphyra - Magdalena Forster und Milena Georgieva, Foto: © Sebastian Köck / allerArt Bludenz

Porphyra – Magdalena Forster & Milena Georgieva / Kunstraum Remise, Bludenz, Vorarlberg

10.3. - 16.4.2023 A performance and installation of matter and sound - the composer and sound artist Milena Georgieva and the choreographer and performance artist...

How are you doing? / FAQ Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg

30.08. – 05.09.2021. How does democracy work? The FAQ-Bregenzerwald examines how democracy can succeed in everyday life.Seriously? This question seems more thanjustified when we look... Festival 2024 – pause for thought… / various locations, Graz

03.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 With the festival - this year's motto: pause for thought - Graz's concert venues, cafés and squares across the city will...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2019

06.06.2019 - 06.07.2019; Feldkirch Risk, find, search: Montforter Zwischentöne discover new fields. Morning concerts for breakfast, science talks in the afternoon and a film screening in...

go to work on an egg. Room installation with films / studio, Neue Galerie...

09.03.2024 – 02.06.2024 The theme of the three films shown is the question whether and to what extent we have forgotten how to wish for...

6. Human Vision Film Festival / Spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

06. – 12.03.2022. "Equality" as the basis for a compassionate and dignified coexistence! In 2022, Vorarlberg will once again be the venue for a festival that...

Stefanie Schwarzwimmer – Seedless Fruits / Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz

29.03.2024 – 25.04.2024 Tanja speaks English and small talk. Thorsten likes to eat pocket coffee. Tillmann loves team-building events. He recently found one of the...

The Open House – Haus Schwarz in Weiz / Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Styria

19.01.2025 – 31.01.20252024 marks the tenth anniversary of Hannes Schwarz's death, and 2026 would be the 100th anniversary of his birth. These two commemorative...


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