Crossover Frühling Abos / Posthof, Linz

Spring 2021. The Posthof is daring and presents its spring subscription 2021 already now. An exciting program awaits all those who are enthusiastic about...

Literaricum Lech 2024 / various locations, Lech, Vorarlberg

18.07.2024 – 21.07.2024 Every year, the festival puts a classic of world literature in the spotlight for rediscovery and rediscovery in order to explore its...

Maker Fair Vienna / Wien

03. and 04.10.2020. This year the Maker Fair Vienna will take place in October on 3 and 4 October 2020 in Vienna. The festival...

“Take The A-Train” / Salzburg 2018

13. – 16.09.2018; Salzburg. A flamboyant jazz festival at and around the main station Salzburg. The international jazz festival"Take the A-Train" features unusual venues around the train station...

22. Poesiefestival / Berlin

11. – 17.06.2021. Poetic bridges across the continent: The Poetry Festival in Berlin presents European poetry in all its diversity of languages and forms....

“tanz_house festival 18” / Salzburg

23.10. – 01.11.2018; Salzburg. tanz_house festival invites to the playground, to discover something: excitingly-simple, wonderful-hideous or something everiday-extraordinary. Themed “Spielplatz” (“Playground”), this year’s tanz house festival...

Human Vision Film Festival / Spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

06. – 12.06.2021. The Human Vision film festival will take place this year under the motto "Prudence". Vorarlberg will once again be the venue...

This Human World Festival 2024 / various locations, Vienna

27.11.2024 – 08.12.2024 Year after year, the festival stands for critical dialogue, offers space for creative debate on relevant topics and has become an integral...

SLASH ½ 2024 / Filmcasino, Vienna

09.05.2024 – 11.05.2024 Spring fever of a special kind is once again in store at SLASH ½, which once again invites you to pay cinematic...

“dotdotdot …” / Volkskundemuseum Wien

03.07. – 24.08.2018; Vienna. Barrier-free open-air cinema hits the spot: We’re in this together now! Just imagine, your bare toes dig through fresh grass, a gentle summer...


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