Johann Strauss – The Exhibition / Theatermuseum, Vienna

04.12.2024 – 23.06.2025Johann Strauss was a superstar of his time. In the field of dance music, he created a further development into sophisticated concert...

Culture is the overcoming of barbarism

Law, and in particular international law, is a cultural achievement of mankind. It creates the foundation on which people have the possibility, at least in...

Hör- & Seebühne 2021 / Funkhausteich, ORF Landesstudio Steiermark, Graz

08.07. – 26.08.2021. BREAK UP! Capitalized! A mixture of successful authors and new faces seduce with texts full of linguistic art and just as much...

“31. Pflasterspektakel” / Linz 2017

20. – 22.07.2017; Linz. Already for the 31st time, the city centre of Linz becomes the scene of international street art. More than 100 artist groups...

Take The A-Train 2024 / Salzburg Central Station

05.09.2024 – 15.09.2024 2024 marks the 10th edition of the Take The A-Train Festival. For several days in September, the Elisabeth-Vorstadt and the area around...

Contemporary Music Festival LIMINA / Mozarteum, Salzburg

29.11.2023 - 01.12.2023 16 young composition students from various European countries will be guests at this year's LIMINA Festival in Salzburg (formerly Crossroads), where they...

aspekteFESTIVAL 2024 / Salzburg, various locations

06.03.2024 – 10.03.2024 The aspekteFESTIVAL, directed by Ludwig Nussbichler, is one of the most renowned festivals for contemporary music in Austria. It takes place every...
Bands wie IL CIVETTO sorgen für den idealen Sundowner-Sound für den URBAN BEACH / © Linz Ag Bubbledays

Bubbledays 2023 / Linz Harbor, Linz

2.6. - 3.6.2023 The slightly different Linz Harbor Festival! Hammocks, concerts, art projects and sports on the water create a holiday mood in the port...

Dachstein Dialogues 2024 – International Festival for Tolerance on the Dachstein / various locations,...

27.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 The new international festival for tolerance will take place in Filzmoos and Ramsau am Dachstein under the motto ‘Torn Years’. Based on...
Ceija Stojka, 1995, Foto: © Christa Schnepf

What Should I be Afraid of? Roma Artist Ceija Stojka / Austrian Cultural Forum...

23.5. - 25.9.2023 The exhibition What Should I be Afraid of? Roma artist Ceija Stojka shows how Ceija Stojka managed to develop a language for...


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