Lois Weinberger / Kunsthaus Bregenz

30.04. – 04.07.2021. Known for his landscape works, Lois Weinberger has played a decisive role in shaping the debate on art and nature to...

Parov Stelar „I’ll be ok soon“ / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

02.07. – 15.09.2021. Musician and producer Parov Stelar is celebrated worldwide as the pioneer of electroswing. What is less well known is that the...

Bunte Steine: was bleibt / Wunderkammer Oberösterreich

11.12.2020 – 28.03.2021. The third edition of the exhibition series by Martin Heller and Julia Stoff. The Wunderkammer Oberösterreich in the OÖ Kulturquartier presents its...

Montafoner Resonanzen 2020 / Montafon, Vorarlberg

31.07. - 05.09.2020. From 31.07. to 05.09.2020 the Montafoner Resonanzen will take place in the Montafon region, Vorarlberg. Various styles are heard - from wind,...

Posthof / Posthof, Linz

From 09.09.2020. The Posthof in Linz is entering the next round: after a "memorable" spring and summer, the Posthof is rushing towards autumn with...

Alfredo Jaar „Das Rote Wien“ / MAK, Wien

09.06. – 05.09.2021. How did the buildings of the interwar period, shaped by the socio-political visions of social democracy, influence Vienna's social life? This...

Eva Grubinger “Malady of the Infinite” / Belvedere 21

Reopening 01.06. until 06.01.2021. An exhibition at Belvedere 21 is dedicated to the work of Eva Grubinger. Basic drives are Grubinger's theme: power, material...

Omar Fast “The Invisible Hand” / Salzburger Kunstverein

Reopening 08.12.2020 until 24.01.2021. And the Salzburger Kunstverein will also be opening its doors again on 19 May 2020, when the exhibitions Gernot Wieland, Declan...

Während alle fotografieren, können sich manche … / Fotohof Salzburg

>> due to Covid-19 regulation closed from 03.11 << 06.10. – 21.11.2020. At the Fotohof Salzburg a group exhibition entitled "While everyone is taking...

Luaga & Losna Internationales Theaterfestival für ein junges Publikum / Feldkirch

01.-05.09.2020. The theatre festival Luaga & Losna in Feldkirch welcomes young and young-at-heart audiences again at the beginning of September. The program is for...


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