Herbert Brandl “Exposed to Painting” / Belvedere 21 Wien

01.06.2020 until 26.10.2020. An exhibition at Belvedere 21 is dedicated to the work of Herbert Brandl. Brandl is one of the most successful contemporary Austrian...

Pflasterspektakel 2021 / Linz

15. – 31.07.2021. The summer attracts to the street! Especially the international street art! The Pflasterspektakel takes place this year - as always and...

Alois Neuhold “Innergärten und Trotzdemblüten” / Kultum Graz

18.05. until autumn 2020 In the Kultum an exhibition opens on 18.05. with the title "Innergärten und Trotzdemblüten: Alois Neuhold". On display will be works...

Rudolf Wäger | A pioneer in Vorarlberg

27.05. – 04.09.2021. The v.a.i., Vorarlberg Architecture Institute, is dedicating an exhibition to Rudolf Wäger. The exhibition is curated by Markus Gohm, Marina Hämmerle, Martina...

“Alles war klar” / Künstlerhaus Wien

Opening on 27.05.2020 The exhibition "Alles war klar" opens the Künstlerhaus in a new form: since the general renovation, the association no longer occupies the...

Astrid Bechtold-Fox, Margit Denz-Strolz, Mela Diamant, Irena Rosc / Traklhaus, Salzburg

>> temporarily closed from 03.11 << 09.10. - 28.11.2020.The Traklhaus in Salzburg is hosting a group exhibition from October 2020, featuring works by Astrid...

“Peter Fischli” / Kunsthaus Bregenz

Opening from 12.09.2020; Bregenz. With humour and irony: the renowned artist Peter Fischli tears ordinary situations out of everyday life and places them in new...

ImPulsTanz 2021 / Wien

15.07. – 15.08.2021This year's festival at the Odeon will be opened by Alexandra Bachzetsis' Private Song. In this piece, created for documenta 14, soulful...

Jazzbühne Lech / Lech, Vorarlberg

12-16.08.2020. It's jazz again in Lech: in August five days are dedicated to jazz. The Lech Jazz Stage has once again done its best...

murSZENE 2020 / Mariahilferplatz, Graz

23.07. - 18.08.2020. Also in 2020 a popular fixed point of the Graz Summer of Culture will take place again: the murSZENE from 23.07. -...


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