Marcel Bascoulard / Kunsthaus Bregenz

13.02. – 14.03.2021. The Kunsthaus Bregenz presents an exhibition of works by Marcel Bascoulard. Known actually as a draftsman of landscapes, Bascoulard began photographing...

Wiener Festwochen / Wien

Opening - Mid July24.08. - Mid September "The stages must open up again as visionary places" demands artistic director Christophe Slagmuylder. For this year,...

Der junge Hitler / Nordico Stadtmuseum, Linz

16.04. – 15.08.2021. The exhibition taking place at the Nordico in Linz deals with the dictator's formative years between 1889 and 1914. The Second...

Aneta Grzeszykowska „Family Skin“ / FC – Francisco Carolinum, Linz

Reopening 11.02. - 05.04.2021An exhibition by the artist Aneta Grzeszykowska entitled "Family Skin" is on display at the Francisco Carolinum. The theme of the...

Supergau Festival / Flachgau, Salzburg

14. – 23.05.2021. In a 10-day festival, artists of various genres invite visitors to explore the question of what makes rural regions exceptional places...

My Generation. Die Sammlung Jablonka / Albertina, Wien

>> temporarily closed from 03.11 << 02.10.2020 – 21.02.2021. From October, the Albertina will host the exhibition "My Generation" The Jablonka Collection. The Jablonka...

Kunsthaus Bregenz goes digital / Vorarlberg

The Kunsthaus Bregenz is currently showing new content on all its virtual channels. Director Thomas D. Trummer publishes a series of acoustic image descriptions,...

tanz ist exceptional: Liquid Loft – Stand Alones / Spielboden, Vorarlberg

18.+ 19.06.2021. Gothic elongated bodies, virtuosic distorted perspectives, individuals lost in a vacuum. Stand-Alonesis a choreographic and musical composition of simultaneously performed solos, which...

Ahoi Pop Sommer ’21 / Posthof Linz

09. - 14.07.2021. Wanda, Folkshilfe & Edmund, Sido: the Linz concert summer is saved. Anyone who has ever seen the polarizing rapper and entertainer Sido...

Herbert Brandl „Bad Romance“ / Künstlerhaus Graz

23.10.2020 - 07.03.2021. The Künstlerhaus presents an exhibition by Herbert Brandl entitled "Bad Romance". Herbert Brandl, who is one of the most famous Austrian contemporary...


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