Dialoge / Salzburg

20. – 29.11.2020.   >> partly transferred to the web <<In November it's time for Dialogues again - the festival for contemporary music opens its...

Tricky Women / Wien, online

10. – 14.03.2021. Tricky Women, the Austrian festival for female animated filmmaking, celebrates its 20th birthday this year with an online edition. Due to...

KinoKino / Szene Salzburg

05. – 08.11.2020. The Salzburg collective ohnetitel invites you to a journey through the history of comedy. It takes us back to the beginnings...

Tage der Utopie: Butterflies in the stomach

Everything will be fine. Or at least better. Not a bold prognosis from the perspective of the current pandemic. But how?  The „Tage der Utopie“...

Weiterknüpfen / Schauraum Zollart, Koblach Vorarlberg

16.05. – 17.07.2021. Woolen threads & rubber hoses: works by Franziska Stiegholzer and Dorothea Rosenstock are on display. It is about continuing to weave...

Bernd Oppl / Lentos, Linz

02.06. – 29.08.2021. Austrian artist Bernd Oppl produces video sculptures that question and at the same time re-explore our perception of space. The central...

Last Minute Austria – Festival für aktuelles Theater / Posthof, Linz

postponed into December 2021, partly cancelledMore informationen on the event homepage The "Last Minute Austria - Festival for Current Theater" is on the program at...

This is Short / Kurzfilmportal online

01.04. – 30.06.2021. The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, the Go Short Festival in Nijmegen, the Short Waves Festival in Poznan and the short...

DAS FEST. Zwischen Repräsentation und Aufruhr / MAK Wien

14.12. 2022 – 23.04. 2023 Celebrations, parties and festivals have always oscillated between the two poles of Dionysian ecstasy and Apollonian austere solemnity. The MAK...
Museum Total© Robert Maybach

Museum Total 2023 / Linz

23. – 26.02.2023 1 ticket, 4 days, 8 museums in Linz!With "Museum Total" the Linz houses invite you to the open museum days again. ArsArs Electronica...


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