Tag: ars electronica

Deep Space LIVE: Die virtuelle Krippe in voller Pracht / Ars Electronica Home Delivery,...

02.12.2021. Twelve meters long, four meters deep and five meters high! In the course of restoring the Nativity scene in the crypt of the Mariendom in...

Digital && Life / In Kepler’s Gardens, Linz

09.09. – 12.09.2021. More topical than ever: the digital world is coming apart at the seams, and Ars Electronica is calling for a reordering -...

CYBERARTS – Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition / OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz

07. – 12.09.2021. The Art of the Digital or Digital Art! The Prix Ars Electronica has been awarded since 1987, thus honoring digital media art with...

Ars Electronica Festival ’21: The New Digital Deal

The festival has discovered "the art of deal" for itself Dealing is cool. Stock market speculators do it. Politicians do it. When Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Ars Electronica Festival ’21 / Linz

08. – 12.09.2021. A "New Digital Deal" - this demand represents the starting point and the center of the Ars Electronica Festival in September...

Working in and on the future / Ars Electronica Center, Linz

08.06. - 12.09.2021. What will become of the "human means of production" when AI and robots take over a large part of our work...

Ars Electronica Center – Ausstellungen / AEC Center, Linz

Permanent exhibitions 2021. "Navigating the Future" is the motto of the Ars Electronica Center. In the Museum of the Future, topics of the future are...


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