The unfamiliar is what frightens us. But don’t worry: Salzburg’s filmmaker scene does not teach us the meaning of fear – rather the opposite.
Changing perspectives with an edge: that seems to be the leitmotif of filmmaker David Groß from Salzburg. And he already demonstrated this fact with great relish in his road movie and TV project “Wastecooking”. The trained chef and journalist prepared delightful dishes from the waste of our affluent society.
“Wastecooking” thus calls society ’s attention to the waste of food. And with refugee.tv, Groß also advocates a change in perspective. Here the media coverage of refugees is simply turned on its head. The editors of refugee. tv are all trained journalists and cameramen who have been expelled from their homes. In their first reports, they approach Austrian culture and mentality by diving into the eerie hustle of a “Krampuslauf” or by questioning passers-by – in front of the backdrop of Salzburg ’s Christmas market – on whether they are afraid of refugees or not. Groß criticizes that refugees take a passive role in main stream media. With the help of his media and integration project, this is about to change. In doing so, he receives active support from two other filmmakers from Salzburg, namely Martin Hasenöhrl and Daniel Samer, as well as from musician Sigrid Likar.

The local butcher offers sausages without end
In an entertaining way, the documentary series “Salzburg – global country” of the association “Studio West. Independent Film” makes us aware of the fact that categories such as “familiar” and “foreign” are already obsolete. An example of lived integration is set by the documentary film “Die Suceskas” by filmmakers Sabine Bruckner and Eva Rothenwänder from Salzburg.
In the first “Globales Land” edition from 2016, we get to know a Bosnian couple, the Suceskas, who fled to Salzburg in 1992 due to the approaching war. Lidija and her husband Izet have successfully become integrated into their adopted country and run a butcher’s shop in the RudolfBiebl-Strasse in Salzburg-Lehen. Altogether six 20-minute documentaries put the daily lives and self-conceptions of citizens of Salzburg with a migratory background into the foreground.
Salzburg – Globales Land