Exhibition goes Wells Maltings: The Vienna Model of Radicalisation. Austria and the Shoah /...

17.01.2024 – 02.02.2024 The Austrian Cultural Forum London has numerous exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events in its programme for the new year.One of the...

The Austrian ROMANES – Exhibition for the Ethnic Groups Day / Austrian Parliament, Vienna

13.12.2023 – 20.12.2023 To mark the 30th anniversary of the recognition of the Rom*nija ethnic group in Austria, the exhibition presents the Romani language -...

The Vienna Model of Radicalisation – Austria and the Shoah / Budapest

From 08.23.2022 Austria played a disturbing role in the Shoah. An exhibition by the Haus der Geschichte Österreich, which will be shown from August in...

Cultural waiting room / Cultural year Austria-Albania 2018

2018; Austria/Albania. The Western Balkans are knocking on our door: Culture Year Austria – Albania. Albania is only a few hours’ drive away from the...

Austrian culture in the world

Austrian Culture in the world   Austrian Cultural Fora Currently, Austria has a network of 29 Austrian Cultural Fora in Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin, Bern, Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest,...


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