Tricky Women – Tricky Realities 2025 / various locations, Vienna

05.03.2025 – 09.03.2025In 2025, the international animated film festival Tricky Women – Tricky Realities will continue to showcase animated film art in Vienna and...

Tricky Women – Tricky Realities 2024 / various locations, Vienna

06.03.2024 – 10.03.2024 In 2024, the international animated film festival Tricky Women/Tricky Realities will once again bring animated films by women and/or genderqueer artists to...

THIS IS SHORT – Streaming Portal

The initial spark for the founding of the short film platform THIS IS SHORT was the COVID-19 period. Social and cultural life was at...

ethnocineca – International Documentary Film Festival Vienna

Kurz, lang experimentell, aus aller Welt: An acht Tagen zeigt die ethnocineca, begleitet vonFilmgesprächen, Podiumsdiskussionen, Vorträgen Short, long, experimental, from all over the world:...

Cinema Next Series / Online

Cinema Next - Junges Kino aus Österreich, the initiative for young Austrian filmmakers, regularly presents new, award-winning films by promising filmmakers that are well...

Klappe auf! / Tricky Women Tricky Realities Online

26.11. – 07.12.2021. Tricky Women/Tricky Realities cooperates with Austrian organizations in the field of women's and development policy and campaigns for a life free of...

Linz International Short Film Festival 2021 / Linz, online

20. – 25.09.2021. Films that tell stories in a way that can be understood and felt by people all over the world - this...

EU Mini-Film Festival / Kulturforum New Delhi

As India is currently affected by a very strong COVID wave, all cultural activities have to be shifted exclusively into the virtual space again...

TRICKY WOMEN: Tricky Women Film program

No one can forbid us to travel in our heads. What could generally apply as a motto for the imaginative, touching, amusing and critical...

Jüdisches Filmfestival 2021 / Wien

Festival: 03. – 17.10.2021. VOD Angebot: 03.04. – 25.04.2021.   The Jewish Film Festival is postponed to the fall. Instead, throughout April, on each weekend,...

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