19.10. – 21.10.2017; Literaturhaus Graz
Wir Kinder der Toten: Heimat und Horror bei Elfriede Jelinek- Literatursymposium.
The 1995 novel “The Children of the Dead” by Elfriede Jelinek is to be scrutinised at all angles under the microscope in this symposium produced by Klaus Kastberger and Agnes Altziebler. Elfriede Jelinek’s film “Ramsau am Dachstein” (1976) and Herk Harvey’s “Carnival of Souls” (1962) are to provide the images. Readings and performances test new forms of interpretation. An open workshop serves as a base camp for the symposium evenings and provides the tools for this intensive examination of the work.
19.10. – 21.10.2017