Haegue Yang – VIP´s Union – Phase II / Exhibition Graz 2018

Ausstellungsansicht, VIP's Union

15.02. – 02.04.2018; Graz.
Haegue Yangs VIP´s Union enters phase II.

The pieces of furniture that were available for use in the past nine months will turn from usable furniture into an exhibit within their move to Space02. They will be presented in a setting that Haegue Yang specially designed für this exhibition.

The furniture originates from different “Very Important Persones” living in Graz or Styria. The Korean Artist Haegue Yang asked them for a table or a chair in 2017. Alltogether, 100 out of 137 persones responded to the call and gave 143 pieces of furniture to the Kunsthaus Graz. All the furniture in this Museum were be replaced by the itmes on loan.

Co-Kuratorin Katrin Bucher Trantow, Künstlerin Haegue Yang und Kuratorin Barbara Steiner

VIP’s Union started in 2001 at the Forum of Art in Berlin. Further Redeployments followed at in Bristol, Antwerp, Bonn and in Seoul.

The VIP’s Union Graz will conclude with the release of a publication dedicated to the entire series of works.

Haegue Yang – VIP´s Union – Phase II
15.02. – 02.04.2018
Kunsthaus Graz
Lendkai 1
8020 Graz