“Obsession Zeichnen” / BRUSEUM Graz

02.03. – 02.09.2018; Graz.
Obsession with Drawing.

The work of ten young artists from Europe will be exhibited at the so called BRUSEUM. This exhibition, curated by Roman Grabner, places, inter alia, value on the different expressions as well as the process of drawing.

To break confentional structures of an exhibition, the creative work will be made in front of the visitors coming to BRUSEUM. Therefore, there won’t be any drawings at the opening day. Even the audience is invited to take action.

Additionally, concerts of contemporary music will take place to illustrate the structural similarities of these two mediums of expression.

Obsession Zeichnen
02.03. – 02.09.2018
01.03.2018, 19.00 Uhr
Joanneumsviertel, Zugang Kalchberggasse
8010 Graz