“dancing days 2019” / Posthof, Linz

08.03.2019 – 30.04.2019; Linz
A dance festival that goes beyond borders. The dancingdays 2019 shows the best of four countries directly in Linz.

Dance is not the same dance. This is shown by the idiosyncratic style combinations and the extraordinary constellations of the four groups from Germany, Belgium, Spain and Australia, which are represented at the DancingDays 2019. A wrestling match between boxers and dancers, flamenco reinterpreted and circus acrobatics as an upgrading element are brought here on the stage.

The Overhead Project starts with a combination of circus, acrobatics and contemporary movement language. The German dance company, which presents itself with bare torso, transported with their bodies a visually stunning message.

Siamese Cie mit ihrer Kombination aus Kampfsport und Tanzkunst © Danny Willems

Siamese Cie – The rhythm of martial arts

What do boxing and dancing have in common? At first glance, just a little, at second glance more than you think. Seven dancers and three boxers from Belgium tell stories of blood, sweat and tears. Perfect body control, discipline and perseverance combine the two otherwise contradictory themes. A mixture of hard-tender dance art.

The long way from Australia will find Shaun Parker & Company in Austria. The production “King” thematizes the rivalry between men, existing power relations and the typical alpha male behavior. A scenery from partly jungle partly cocktail bar as well as live singing accompany the artistic performance.

The flamenco virtuoso Rocío Molina delights her audience with an extraordinary interpretation of traditional Spanish dance. In her piece “Caída del Cielo” she redefines flamenco and combines it with a rock concert and performance art.

The main program is framed by the DancingDays laboratory, where Austrian dance and performance artists perform their performances

TanzTage 2019
08.03.2019 – 30.04.2019
Posthofstrasse 43, A
4020 Linz

Overhead Project
HOW Duett / My Body is Your Body
22.03.2019 | 20:00

Siamese Cie – Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero
27.03.2019 | 20:00

Shaun Parker & Company
13.04.2019 | 20:00

Companía Rocío Molina
Caída del Cielo
24.04.2019 | 20:00