“Rendering Memory” / Galerie 5020, Salzburg

"Yours and Mine" Raffaela Bielesch

15.02.2019 – 13.04.2019; Salzburg
How do you keep memories? The group exhibition in Gallery 5020 attempts to artistically document the documentation of one’s own history.

What makes up the human being are memories. We strive to capture, document and classify memories in order to retrieve them at any time. But how much does the reconstruction of memory has to do with the actual story?

The first exhibition at the center of the annual theme “Documents of Desire / Desire of Documents” deals with the artistic approach of documenting and reconstructing memories and realities. “Rendering Memory” refers to man’s desire to capture his own story; scripted, illustrated or in materials. The participating artists counteract the usual forms of the private archive, such as photo albums, letters and diaries, artistic strategies. With works by Raffaela Bielesch, Klaus Bock, Markus Kircher and Viktoria Tremmel.

Documenting a family life, from everyday life with children. “Please take off your shoes” by Klaus Bock.

In the installation “Yours is mine” Raffaela Biesch reconstructs eight black-and-white photographs of Dadaist Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874 – 1927). However, these are not documented visually, but in the form of letters and memoirs.

In his installation “Please take off your shoes” Klaus Bock collects different objects as well as artistic works that deal with the everyday life of the artist with his two children. At the same time, the viewer is awakened by memories of his own family experience.

One of 400 artist’s books by Markus Kirchner.

The Salzburg-based artist Markus Kircher shows excerpts from his artist’s books under the name “Fat Book”. Paintings, collages and drawings captured in over 400 notebooks or used, old books document the artistic process.

Memories are subject to constant transformation and adaptation, based on current situation and state of mind. This distorted rendering makes Viktoria Temmel the subject of her work, in which she expresses her fears and the desire for meaning. In pictures, drawings and objects.

Rendering Memory
Galerie 5020
Residenzplatz 10, 2nd floor
5020 Salzburg