“Cheers, good appetite ! Tavern culture in Linz” / NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz

15.03.2019 – 01.09.2019; Linz
Haschee dumpling and Co. An exhibition about tavern culture in Linz.

Whether a place of pleasure or refuge, “rumor-kitchen”, venue of various family celebrations or high-political debates. The tavern as a stage of life offers something  to everyone.

While some of us spend our time in the tavern, being recaptured in grandmother’s time by the smell of lard, others work for their livelihood.

The exhibition around the tavern culture in Linz shows what was previously collected by public appeal with the help of the public.
The objects and memorabilia reach back to the 18th century, illuminating the varied history of Linz’s tavern culture.

And it’s a place of dreaming, at least until “closing time”. Closing time at Nordico is on the 1st of September.

Cheers, good appetite! Tavern culture in Linz
NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz
Dametzstraße 23
4020 Linz