“Participatory Arts Panel” / Linz

15.04.2019 – 20.04.2019; Linz
Dance and theatre for civil courage. The Participatory Arts Panel uses performing arts to improve the world.

How can political awareness and social impact be promoted better than through dance, theatre and workshops? The Participatory Arts Panel’s program wants to use performing arts for more than just the stage.

Therefore there are intensive workshops with national and international professionals, a lot of exchange and discussion and space for networking and further development. Workshops for beginners and advanced students in German and English will take place for one week.

Participation is an integral part of a functioning democracy. For this reason, the Participatory Arts Panel wants to find new ways to promote competencies on an individual, social and organizational level, especially in times of political and social tensions. With dancing, theatre and partying.

Participatory Arts Panel
15.04. – 20.04.2019

Musiktheater Linz
Schule des Ungehorsams
Red Sapata Tanzfabrik

Workshops Tuesday to Friday
Workshop 1: Retroactive Scores 9-12 Uhr @ RedSapata Tanzfabrik
Workshop 2: Theater der Unterdrückten 9-12 Uhr @ Musiktheater
Workshop 3: Community Dance 13-16:30 Uhr @ RedSapata Tanzfabrik
Workshop 4: Theatre of Opportunity 13-16:30 Uhr @ Musiktheater