“BUCH WIEN 19” / Wien

Publikum beim Poetry Slam © LCM Foto Richard Schuster

06.11.2019 – 10.11.2019; Wien.
Stock up on reading supplies for 2020, go autograph hunting and attend the readings of your favourite authors: all this is possible at BUCH WIEN!

Austria’s largest book fair and reading festival week presents everything to do with reading and literature in over 400 programme items. The combination of reading festival week, which involves the entire city, and industry event on the fair grounds has established BUCH Wien as a hot spot for literature lovers.

The “Long Night of Books” on 6 November, during which the Austrian Literature Prize will also be awarded, kicks off the event. Among others, Vea Kaiser, Michael Köhlmeier and Tobias Moretti will be present. The opening speech will be given by journalist and publicist Armin Thurnher. A special highlight will be the opening of Deborah Sengl’s exhibition “The Last Days of Mankind”. During the Poetry Slam Night, Slam poets from six nations will be delivering their lyrical performances.

In the days that follow, an extensive supporting programme with readings, discussions with authors and signing sessions, discussions and lectures as well as a children’s and youth programme will follow throughout Vienna. International stars of the literary scene as well as local authors such as Bettina Balaka, Franzobel or Thomas Brezina will discuss their new publications together with the presenters. With exhibitors from a total of 15 nations, BUCH WIEN is a highlight for book lovers of all ages.

06.11.2019 – 10.11.2019
various locations

Authors reading from their works (in German only):

Eva Rossmann and Manfred Buchinger
Entspannt kochen. Lieblingsrezepte aus Österreich

Michaela Lindinger
Hedy Lamarr – Eine Biografie

Johannes Sachslehner
Bischof Alois Hudal – Hitlers Mann im Vatikan

Martin Prein
Vortrag zum “Letzte-Hilfe-Kurs”

Bernhard Wieser und Michael Rathmayer
Das Beste von den burgenländischen Hochzeitsbäckerinnen

Oliver Tanzer
Animal Spirits – Was wir von Tieren lernen können