07.11.2019 – 09.11.2019; Vorarlberg.
tanz ist turns 25!
The Tanzfestival tanz ist celebrates its 25th anniversary and invites to performance nights with international and mainstream free dance and performance art at Spielboden in Dornbirn.
Two artist personalities who have long been associated with the festival will be showing their new works: Renate Graziadei (laborgras) and Elio Gervasi (Tanzcompany Gervasi). Renate Graziadei will surprise the public with a series of 13 short choreographies. Elio Gervasis’s anniversary contribution with five dancers is in the making…
And there will also be a workshop for ALL who like to dance themselves.
tanz ist surprises
06.11. – 09.11.2019
Spielboden Dornbirn
Färbergasse 15
6850 Dornbirn
The Programme
Thur 7. November 2019: Tanzkompanie Elio Gervasi (AT/IT) Incorpo-ratis (tanz ist Special)