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30.11.2019 – 26.04.2020; Salzburg.
In the Salzburg Rupertinum Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz show surreal Liliput worlds in snow globes.
In the Travelers snow globes, for example, the fate of travellers is documented with great care and attention to detail. The Liliput worlds show an icy wilderness of snow mountains, blocks of ice and dead trees, in which different people are stranded in more or less hopeless situations. The strange interactions and catastrophes that are in the offing or have already occurred refer to the insecurity and abysses of human conditions. With their “funny nightmares”, Martin & Muñoz infiltrate the nostalgia and sentimentality that generally accompany the cultural history of the snow globe. At the same time, they take advantage of the dream world that emerges from the interplay of glass globe, water, motif and snow flurry to stage eerily beautiful stories. A kitschy souvenir thus becomes a microcosm of existential winter moods and a stage for a very black humour.
Artists Walter Martin (1953 Norfolk, VA, US – Milford, PA, US) and Paloma Muñoz (1965 Madrid, ES – Milford, PA, US) have been working together since 1994. With sculptures, dioramas and photographs, the exhibition offers a multifaceted insight into the dystopian cosmos of Martin & Muñoz. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue in German and English.
Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum
30.11.2019 – 26.04.2020
Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg