online 03.12 until 13.12.2020.
The film festival “This Human World” – the 13th edition of the International Human Rights Film Festival, takes place online this year.
Under the adapted title this human world outlines, the festival shows a selection of feature films, documentaries and short films on the subject of human rights. Q & As, Director Statements and Live Discussions will also be made possible in online format. At the festival hub on the website, 4 to 5 films will be offered daily for VOD streaming.
The festival will be opened by the film “The earth is as blue as an orange” by Iryna Tsilyk, for which the filmmaker has already received an award at the Sundance Festival.
In 2008, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this human world, as the first film festival of its kind in Austria, took place in Vienna. Following the example of globally successful and established film festivals, this human world set out to develop a special platform on the topic of human rights for the city. Through close cooperation with its founding partner – the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights -, the collaboration with a large number of partner organisations and countless outstanding filmmakers, the festival has become an integral part of the Austrian cultural and film festival landscape over the last few years.
This Human World
03. until 13.12.2020