Talk with Marlies Pöschl / Online

(c) Marlies Pöschl

22.06.2020, 18.00Uhr

The Artist Talk on 22 June at 6 p.m. offers the opportunity for an online meeting with Marlies Pöschl, whose works, together with those of Karolina Szulejewska, will soon be on display at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw as part of an Austrian-Polish dialogue exhibition. Access to this online event is via the Kulturforum website.

During the artist talk, Marlies Pöschl will present her latest projects on care and technology, among other things. These works have become even more relevant in today’s situation of a global epidemic and the resulting strain on health care.

Marlies Pöschl, presented as one of the masterminds for the society of tomorrow in the “Creative Austrians” programme, lives in Vienna and Paris. She teaches at the Institute for Art and Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Marlies Pöschl is a founding member and chairman of the Golden Pixel Cooperative – a platform for moving image and visual arts.

Talk with Marlies Pöschl