Nach uns die Sintflut / Kunsthaus Wien

Solmaz Deryanı "The Eyes of Earth" 2014

16.09.2020 – 14.02.2021.

The Kunsthaus Wien is showing an exhibition entitled “After us the Flood”. The exhibition focuses on the consequences of climate change. On display are pictures and videos of retreating glaciers and polar caps, rising sea levels and steppe land areas. The 21 artists in the exhibition illustrate the ecological effects of our growth-oriented economic system. The works are often the result of years of research and give the climate crisis a visual form. “After us the Flood” tells of the urgency of acting.

Nach uns die Sintflut
16.09.2020 – 14.02.2021
Kunsthaus Wien
Untere Weißgerberstraße 13
1030 Wien