03.11.2020. The exhibition “CountryLife – Recent strategies for tomorrow’s rural living” is accompanied by the CountryTalks.
People are migrating from rural areas to the cities, leading to population decline in villages and demographic change. This is a global phenomenon not restricted to Austria or Styria – although the causes behind the development of course differ. The result is a diminishing infrastructure (doctors, schools, shops, public transport), which only speeds up the downward spiral. The exhibition CountryLife is accompanied by the CountryTalks, which provide a platform for stakeholders involved in exemplary projects and strategies in Austria and worldwide, contributing to a revitalisation of rural areas with the aim of encouraging forward planning, reflection and participation.
3. November: Panel V – Artistic + social interaction
The village community is an important part of rural life. Here, everyone can get involved and actively help shape their environment. Cultural and social interactions in close collaboration with residents open up new possibilities for development in rural municipalities, which in turn stimulate renewal and reactivation in the villages.
The CountryTalks take place online via Zoom. Registration is required to participate in the respective panels.
CountryTalks: Panel V – Artistic + social interaction
3rd November 2020, 5pm
Ton Matton, MattonOffice, Werndorf/D
Stefan Spindler, nonconform, Wien/A
Rainer Rosegger, Agentur SCAN, Graz/A
Moderation: Heidrun Primas, Forum Stadtpark
Online via Zoom
Registration is required to participate in the panel under the following link.
Haus der Architektur