Kunstschaufester / Stadtgalerie Lehen

(c) Stadt Salzburg / Alexander Killer

01.12.2020 – 21.01.2021. The Stadtgalerie Lehen presents Salzburg’s artists in its shop window.

From December to January, the Stadtgalerie Lehen presents itself as an art showcase, opens up to the traffic-free boulevard of the Stadtwerkeareal and invites pedestrians to gain an insight into the city’s diverse art scene.

More than 50 Salzburg artists who have designed the exhibition programme of the city galleries in recent years are now showing newer works on a partition wall in the “Art Showcase”. Paintings, drawings, collages, photographic works and smaller objects combine to create a show of a different kind: Along the long window front of the Stadtgalerie, the multitude of contributions creates a kind of a picture atlas of the approaches, working methods, techniques and themes of local artists.

01.12.2020 – 21.01.2021
Inge-Morath-Platz 31
5020 Salzburg