09.12. – 19.12.2020.
The afo Architekturforum Oberösterreich is showing an exhibition entitled “Resurrexit” that acoustically mines architecturally valuable spaces. With Resurrexit, Hörstadt, the Laboratory for Acoustics, Space and Society, began a few years ago to preserve spaces by acoustically archiving the spatial profile and thus keeping them aesthetically alive.
Since it happens again and again that architecturally remarkable spaces disappear, selected spaces are measured acoustically and documented by means of room impulse responses and sound recordings. With this material, ten Austrian sound artists created compositions that resurrect the disappeared architecture as an acoustic memory. Among them are, for example, the railroad bridge in Linz, the Taggerwerke in Graz or the Nationalratssaal in Vienna.
Participating artists included Katharina Klement, Dino Spiluttini, Electric Indigo, CHRA, Ulla Rauter, Anatol Bogendorfer, Peter Kutin, Peter Androsch feat. Petra Wurz, HERBST, Wolfgang Dorninger feat. Nebojša Krulanović, Violetta Wakolbinger.
Resurrexit Translokale Monumente
09.12. – 19.12.2020
afo Architekturforum Oberösterreich
Herbert-Bayer-Platz 1
4020 Linz