08.07. – 26.08.2021.
BREAK UP! Capitalized! A mixture of successful authors and new faces seduce with texts full of linguistic art and just as much wit far from the pandemic, which ask questions about the good life and expose injustice. In the process, one encounters unexpected trains of thought to the bizarre. They are accompanied by musicians from Berlin to Graz to West Africa. The Hör & Seebühne will open on July 8 with Olga Flor, Julia Fliesser and The TipToes.
This will be followed by weekly performances on Thursdays:
15.07.21: Silvia Stecher, Jana Radičević. Musik: Katrin Hammerschmidt solo
22.07.21: Petra Ganglbauer, Barbara Rieger. Musik: Laura Winkler
29.07.21: Egon Christian Leitner, Christoph Szalay. Musik: OstStyrian Rhythm Sektschn
05.08.21: Ferdinand Schmalz, Günter Eichberger. Musik: Achim Kirchmair Trio feat. David Jarh
12.08.21: Barbara Frischmuth, Bodo Hell. Musik: Seydou Traoré & Franz Schmuck
19.08.21: Dževad Karahasan, Kateřina Černá. Musik: Shuffle Truffle
26.08.21: Gabriele Kögl, Sarah Kuratle. Musik: Facelift
Hör & Seebühne
08.07. – 26.08.2021
ORF Landesstudio Steiermark
Marburger Straße 20
8042 Graz