Collaborations / mumok, Vienna

02.07. – 06.09. 2022

Artistic cooperation is shown in the exhibition with works that reflect on working together and living together in a foray from the avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s to contemporary art – from couples to society to universal connectedness. The increasing individualization with the simultaneous need for community will be addressed and different strategies of collective authorship will be examined, including the question of what collaboration could mean in the 21st century when traditional social structures dissolve. All of this under the aspect of how artists react to such socio-political developments.

Works by Marina Abramović & Ulay, Günter Brus, Otto Muehl, Jörg Schlick, Valie Export, Rimma Gerlovina & Valerij Gerlovin, Oswald Wiener and many others will be shown.

With accompanying discourse and performance program as well as film evenings.

Kollaborationen / mumok
Museumsquartier Wien
02.07. – 06.09. 2022