Venice – Reflection of Mankind / Greith Haus, St. Ulrich im Greith

Gerhard Roth has traveled and photographed Venice since childhood. © Gerhard Roth / Greith House


Gerhard Roth was not only a writer but also an urban explorer and photographer. More than 15,000 photographs were taken over the decades on his numerous trips to Venice.

The writer Gerhard Roth, who died this spring, was also a passionate photographer. And Venice, like many other writers, never let go of him. It is a city that evades the usual. Remains uninterpretable. This is precisely why Venice has cast such a spell over the “city explorer” Roth. “Venice is a library of stone, in which one can read what man is capable of,” Roth once said of the city in which a masterly trilogy of novels is also set, which was completed in 2021 with the volume “There is no worse angel than love”.

Roth has documented this “stone library” and the people who live in it with his photographic works for decades. With these photographs Roth published a photo book in the Brandstätter Verlag with contributions by Martin Behr from the Graz artists’ group G.R.A.M. and Daniela Bartens, literary scholar at the University of Graz.

“All of this made a new cosmos visible for me,” Roth once said about Venice and his photographic works. The cosmos can now be seen in an exhibition at the Greith Haus in St. Ulrich im Greith in southern Styria.

Gerhard Roth, Venedig im Spiegelbild der Menschheit
Greith Haus, St. Ulrich im Greith