03.10. 2022 – 05.02. 2023
The London-based artist Megan Rooney designed the large-scale mural Big Sky Blooming for the Salzburger Kunstverein, which encompasses all the corridors, walls and ceiling of the ring gallery.
A flying tree is seen being ripped from the ground into a windswept sky. You see bodies strangely squirming, crawling and lurking amidst a frenzy of colour.
Perhaps a firmament can be discerned, unholy and full of rebellious shades: burnt coral, burnished orange, rosé, pink, crimson, lilac, azure, turquoise, royal blue, dark green, mud green, loden green, yellow-green, sage green – a sensitive, licking, stretching, arching, blurring atmosphere that spreads only as far as a person’s arms will allow, all the way to the ceilings and walls, although it wants to expand even further.
Clouds and scratches appear like hieroglyphs, or slowly setting suns, and menacing and seductive colors, black as a pupil, a happy coincidence, like the blink of an eyelid, and it blinks again, is suddenly different, but never the same.
Megan Rooney: Big Sky Blooming
03.10. 2022 – 05.02. 2023
Kunstverein / Ringgalerie Salzburg