STORYTELLING:EUROPE! Brunnenmarkt reVisited / Volkskundemuseum, Vienna

StoryTelling:Europe! @ Apollonia Theresa Bitzan
StoryTelling:Europe! @ Apollonia Theresa Bitzan / Volkskundemuseum Wien

24.11.2022 – 12.03.2023

Stories from the Brunnenmark! The Brunnenpassage is located on the longest street market in Europe with people from all over the world – perspectives on a future, solidary, diverse Europe are collected here.

Storytelling: Europe! is a cross-generational and transcultural project that uses artistic means to imagine a jointly designed Europe that goes far beyond national or continental borders.

Asma Aiad developed the mixed-media station exhibition A’Wiener Karavanserei in co-creation with protagonists from Brunnenmarkt. In cooperation with an elementary school, performative story walks were created with and by children, who collected and presented stories from local shop actors and market stallholders. The project is also present in the form of a listening station in the Brunnenpassage and can still be accessed online.

STORYTELLING:EUROPE! Brunnenmarkt reVisited
24.11.2022 – 12.03.2023
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15-19
1080 Vienna