Adult Abuse – Youth Without God and Without Anything Else Either / TaO! Theater am Ortweinplatz, Graz

Erwachsenenbeschimpfung /
Erwachsenenbeschimpfung / © TaO!, Theater am Ortweinplatz

12.01. – 12.05.2023

What burns young people under their fingernails and what drives them mad? In TaO! not only will the meaningfulness of established institutions be questioned on stage, but also whether and how many revolutionaries of the old generation (like Peter Handke) still have anything to contribute.

The insults to the grown-ups may also be followed by instructions for the revolution to overthrow the old order.

Directed by Simon Windisch. Franka Jauk, Emma Moser, Elena Trantow and Felicia Sobotka scold and rebel.

Adult Abuse – Youth Without God and Without Anything Else Either
12.01. – 12.05.2023
TaO! Theater am Ortweinplatz
Ortweinplatz 1
8010 Graz

Performances in January 2023:
12.01., 13.01., 14.01. 16.01. 17.01. 18.01., each at 7:30 p.m

Termine im Performances in May2023:
02.05., 05.05., 06.05., 10.05., 11.05. 12.05., each at 7:30 p.m