Identity on the Line / Volkskundemuseum, Graz

Identity on the Line / © Volkskundemuseum Graz
Identity on the Line / © Volkskundemuseum Graz

3.2. – 18.6.2023

The exhibition reveals thousands of stories that lie dormant beneath the surface. Stories that add nuance and unknown details to black and white images of historical events. Yet many of these stories are too private and personal or too traumatic to share. Feelings of desperation, shame or guilt are often associated with it and one often fears the reactions of those to whom one tells the stories. 

Identity on the Line is a large-scale collaborative project of six cultural history museums and a university working together to explore the long-term consequences of various migration processes that have taken place in Europe over the past 100 years, whether forced or voluntary.

Curated by: Corinne Brenko, Urška Purg, National Museum of Contemporary History, Ljubljana

Identity on the Line
3.2. – 18.6.2023
Paulustorgasse 11-13a
8010 Graz