LandRush – Frauke Huber und Uwe H. Martin / Museumsquartier, MQ Freiraum, Vienna

LandRush, Dying Sea © Frauke Huber und Uwe H. Martin
LandRush, Dying Sea © Frauke Huber und Uwe H. Martin

23.02. – 07.05.2023

The LandRush exhibition documents the social and ecological consequences of global agriculture. For this, the artists work together with farmers, fishermen, scientists, indigenous farmers and activists to address topics such as seed, water and land rights, environmental justice, climate change and the future of agriculture worldwide investigate.

Frauke Huber and Uwe H. Martin use artistic, journalistic and scientific strategies to make the different realities of life intellectually and emotionally tangible. Their many years of research and recordings result in publications, interactive apps, and the spatial multi-channel installations that are impressive in terms of atmosphere and content and are presented in the MQ Freiraum.

Curated by Verena Kaspar-Eisert, chief curator MQ Vienna.

LandRush – Frauke Huber und Uwe H. Martin
23.02. – 07.05.2023
Museumquartier, MQ Freiraum
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna