Oasis – Karina Mendreczky and Katalin Kortmann Járay / Museumsquartier Salon, Vienna

Aus der Installation Oasis © Karina Mendreczky und Katalin Kortmann-Karay
Aus der Installation Oasis Karina_Mendreczky_und_Katalin_Kortmann-Jaray

23.2. – 7.5.2023

With the installation Oasis, the two artists Karina Mendreczky and Katalin Kortmann Járay created an extraordinary work complex.

Oasis is a finely composed, expansive installation with numerous different sculptures, photographs, printed textiles, drawings and a sound layer.

In total, the objects form a mystical, fairytale arrangement, a kind of cabinet of curiosities in which ideas and concepts of life and death echo and the individual and collective connection to nature is addressed.

Curated by Verena Kaspar-Eisert, chief curator MQ Vienna.

Oasis – Karina Mendreczky andKatalin Kortmann Járay
23.2. – 7.5.2023
MQ Salon
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna