SOLSTICES – Georg Friedrich Haas/ Kulturhaus Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

SOLSTICES - zeitgenössische Tanz im kompletten Dunkel und dem sensiblen Einsatz von Licht, Foto: © Sarah Mistura / Walktanztheater
SOLSTICES - zeitgenössische Tanz im kompletten Dunkel und dem sensiblen Einsatz von Licht, Foto: © Sarah Mistura / Walktanztheater

17.2. – 22.2.2023

Solstices is a dance theater project based on a composition by Georg Friedrich Haas. The performance is a confrontation with body and music, with space and emotion, with the elements of darkness and light, of darkness and brightness.

In this work, composed in 2018, darkness is not a momentary absence of light, but becomes a central moment in the composition, making intensive listening experiences and sensory adventures possible.

Dance: Miriam Arnold, Sebastien Kapps, Joni Österlund, Marina Rützler, Silvia Salzmann, Chris Yi-Yi Wang

Music: Ensemble plus / Michaela Girardi, violin | Guy Speyers, viola | Myriam García Fidalgo, cello | Nikolaus Feinig, double bass | Anja Nowotny-Baldauf, flute | Hauke Kohlmorgen, clarinet | Thomas Gertner, trombone | Martin Gallez, piano | Benjamin Kuhn, guitar | Bertram Brugger, drums

SOLSTICES – Georg Friedrich Haas
17.2. – 22.2.2023
Kulturhaus Dornbirn
Rathausplatz 1
6850 Dornbirn