Sisters & Brothers. 500 Years of Siblings in Art / Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz

Peter Sengl, Die beiden rothaarigen Geschwister, 1978  / © Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
Peter Sengl, Die beiden rothaarigen Geschwister, 1978 / © Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

26.5. – 17.9.2023

We all grew up in families and even when we leave them as adolescents, we usually remain in contact with our original family. What we experience in our families, whether we are only children or have siblings, has an impact on our entire lives. Surprisingly, the longest and, more often than not, most intense relationship in a person’s life – the sibling relationship – has been little researched to date and has never been the subject of an exhibition.

This is the first comprehensive exhibition to document the multifaceted subject of sibling relationships in the visual arts featuring around 120 works. From the perspective of cultural history, the paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, objects and videos on display illustrate the changes in the portrayal of siblings from the 16th century to the present day by means of a chronological timeline.

Whether twins, siblings, step-siblings or siblings in spirit, those of us who grow up with others are able to deal with conflict and usually practise solicitude and solidarity at an early age – or in other words, we acquire important key skills for human coexistence.

An exhibition of Kunsthalle Tübingen in cooperation with Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz.

Sisters & Brothers. 500 Years of Siblings in Art
26.5. – 17.9.2023
Lentos Kunstmuseum
Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz