Harald Gmeiner – Residenzy Bilbao Arte 2023 / Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz

(c) G. König

18.11.2023 – 22.12.2023

Bilbao Arte has been an exchange programme for visual arts between the province of Vorarlberg and the Kunsthaus Bregenz and Bilbao Arte since 2006.
In an extensive exhibition, Harald Gmeiner is showing the paintings and drawings created in the months of May and June as part of this scholarship abroad, influenced by the vibrant creative scene in Bilbao. In recent years, many Spanish artists have presented their works at the Lisi Hämmerle Gallery in the form of themed room installations before their return journey. Now comes a reversal. An artist from Vorarlberg is showing the works he created in Bilbao in Bregenz.

Harald Gmeiner – Residenzy Bilbao Arte 2023
18.11.2023 – 22.12.2023
Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
Anton-Schneider-Straße 4a
6900 Bregenz