About tourism / Architekturzentrum Wien

Das Community-Based Tourism Projekt in Agua Blanca, Ecuador zeigt seit den 1990er-Jahren, wie eine Balance zwischen Kommerzialisierung und Gemeinschaft aufrechterhalten werden kann und welche Schwierigkeiten es zu meistern gilt. (c) Parks and Tribes

21.03.2024 – 09.09.2024

Foreign countries. Customs and traditions; simply exploring new climes – more and more people are travelling more often, further and for shorter periods of time. Tourism has been continuously intensifying for decades and has become an integral part of our western lifestyle. It has brought added value, prosperity and cosmopolitanism to even the most remote areas, thus preventing emigration. The downside is negative effects such as crowds of people, major environmental interventions and rising land prices.
What impact do our holiday desires have on the built environment, the social fabric and climate change? And how can we imagine a tourism that does not destroy what it lives on?
The exhibition, curated by Karoline Mayer & Katharina Ritter, sheds light on key aspects of tourism such as mobility, urban tourism, interactions with agriculture, climate change, the privatisation of natural beauty and the transformation of accommodation typologies, and explores the question whether and how tourism development is planned. Above all, however, the exhibition looks for potential for transformation. Many travellers are reluctant to see themselves as part of the mass tourism phenomenon, and doubts about the climate compatibility of our travel behaviour are becoming ever louder.

About tourism
21.03.2024 – 09.09.2024
Architekturzentrum Wien
Ausstellungshalle 2
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna