Secessions – Klimt, Stuck, Liebermann / Wien Museum MUSA

Max Kurzweil Dame in Gelb, 1899, Wien Museum Foto © Birgit und Peter Kainz, Wien Museum

23.05.2024 – 13.10.2024

The term Secession is associated with an important chapter in the history of art at the dawn of modernism, which in Vienna is directly linked to Gustav Klimt, in Munich to Franz von Stuck and in Berlin to Max Liebermann.
The establishment of Secessions at the end of the 19th century in several European countries signalled a break with the established art scene of the time, brought about by the artists themselves, and was one of the basic conditions for the establishment of artistic modernism.
The exhibition focuses on the overarching nature of this new idea in Munich, Vienna and Berlin, which meant a complete transformation from an academic system to exhibition formats and venues organised by artists themselves and resulted in a new constellation of artists, collectors, dealers and art critics.

Secessions – Klimt, Stuck, Liebermann
23.05.2024 – 13.10.2024
Wien Museum MUSA
Karlsplatz 8
1040 Vienna