Michael Endlicher: ZEICHEN SPRACHE IRONIE / Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Styria

Foto ©: J. Rauchenberger, Michael Endlicher 70er Dramenblech, 2004/2022geprägtes Aluminiumblech, 40x30 cm, AP

11.05.2024 – 13.07.2024

Michael Endlicher poses general questions in his art. They are existential in nature, but also social and political. His work is linked to letters, language and the sensitive exploration and analysis of contemporary language and speech discourses like almost no other.
It intervenes in the linguistic distortions of the present, reflects the dead ends into which we have manoeuvred ourselves, uncovers the lies and absurdities of ideologies (including belief systems), but in doing so – also with the means of the absurd – often exposes their mystical core.
The title of the exhibition is also a “drama sheet” that begins with the number “72”: ZEICHEN – SPRACHE – IRONIE each have the sum of “72” as individual words when their alphanumeric value is added together.

11.05.2024 – 13.07.2024
Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten
Mariahilferplatz 3
8020 Graz, Styria