29.08.2024 – 01.09.2024
The ‘straden-aktiv’ cultural association once again invites you to the traditional ‘grad und schräg’ festival. At this somewhat different music festival, you can experience a high-calibre selection of new Austrian folk music.
Tina Trampler & die Playbackdolls, known for their lively and often political songs that ‘lead to spiritual rebellions with heart, imagination and poetry’, will kick things off.
On their fifth album ‘Chansons 2084’, they weave a web between local and international soundscapes, in which undiscovered music can sometimes be found. Sometimes danceable, sometimes thoughtful, opulent and minimalist, stormy and tender – and always played with dedication.
Further line-up:
Styrian Klezmore Orchestra, ‘The bigger picture of Klezmer & Balkan’
crossfiedlerBLECH, ‘Blechsalat & Saitenbiegen’
Lae Walletschek & Gentle Voices & GM-Hatz, ‘GRADE & SCHRAEGe music from all over the world’
Seydou Traore & Ensemble Humanite, ‘African/World/Jazz’
Musikfestival grad & schräg 2024
29.08.2024 – 01.09.2024
KulturHaus Straden
8345 Straden, Styria