08.10.2024 – 19.11.2024
In her solo exhibition To See Clearly, Noushin Redjaian addresses the areas of history, science and racism in a combination of forms, materials and content. In doing so, she explores the commonalities of all people – regardless of origin, skin colour or cultural background – and refers to the fundamental unity of all life, which is shaped by shared DNA and individual memories and emotions. ‘Every carpet,’ writes the artist, ’is a poem that can only be understood by the hand that wove it: A craft with centuries of tradition passed down from generation to generation.’ Noushin Redjaian studies the ornamentation and symbolic language of Persian textile art and translates it into a contemporary context, extracting individual forms in order to use them as templates for her textile artefacts.
08.10.2024 – 19.11.2024
Bildraum 01
Strauchgasse 2
1010 Vienna