02.10.024 – 10.11.2024
Peter Gerwin Hoffmann, an early representative of Austrian media art, has been working continuously in the electronic and social space for many years. His engagement with the subject of war has also been going on for a long time. Regardless of the armed conflict in question, there is no such thing as a ‘just war’, even if our respective media bubbles suggest the opposite. Thou shalt kill is a plea for peace, a cry for help that is made on behalf of all soldiers who have been and are being sent to war. And it is an appeal to break out of the constant loop of ‘doomscrolling’ and devote ourselves to constructive solutions instead of sinking into images of catastrophe and hopelessness. Thou shalt kill is a multipart installation consisting of a large banner, like those hung on the perimeter boards of sports fields at sporting events for advertising purposes, and a series of postcards to take home.
Peter Gerwin Hoffmann – Thou shalt kill
02.10.024 – 10.11.2024
Kunsthaus Graz