Luz Olivares Capelle – Fluid Imprint / Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg

© Luz Olivares Capelle, Los Que Vuelan, 2024, Film mit Ton, 12 min 42 sec, courtesy of the artist


Two months after the birth of her daughter Sol Ricarda, Luz Olivares Capelle began to document her child’s speech development on film. In doing so, she tried to find a connection between the materiality of the analogue film material and the initially vague and amorphous sounds of her daughter, which over time form what we perceive as language and narrative.
In Los Que Vuelan (Those Who Fly) (2024), we experience human language in its most primal forms – through cries, whispers and the chaotic jumble of words coming out of the baby’s mouth. These words are juxtaposed with the physicality of the chemical aberrations that unfold on the filmstrip.
Los Que Vuelan demands a constant negotiation of boundaries and roles, combining personal life with artistic endeavour in a way that is both deeply personal and universally relatable.

Luz Olivares Capelle – Fluid Imprint
14.12.2024 – 16.02.2025
Salzburger Kunstverein
Hellabrunner Straße 3
5020 Salzburg