Dancing with the Lion / Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg

04.10.2024 — 23.02.2025 What happens when artists relate their own interests and principles to a collection that brings together important socially critical voices from the...

Robert Gabris. This Space Is Too Small For Our Bodies / Belvedere 21, Vienna

08.09.2024 – 18.02.2025 The exhibition This Space Is Too Small For Our Bodies by the Belvedere Art Award winner focusses on his examination of the...

The space in our heads. The Collections / Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, Salzburg

13.09.2024 — 23.03.2025 The exhibition, which follows on thematically from the exhibition Räume öffnen! that opened in spring, is characterised by continuity and change. The...

It’s me, Toni – A search for Anton Bruckner’s identity / Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz

13.09.2024 – 02.03.2025 He is not just a local phenomenon in Upper Austria, but a world-renowned and recognized legendary figure in the world of music:...

Horror Patriae / Neue Galerie Graz

20.09.2024 – 16.02.2025 As the centrepiece of the 57th edition of the festival, the group exhibition Horror Patriae - a cooperation between steirischer herbst and...

KAZUKO MIYAMOTO / Belvedere 21, Vienna

12.09.2024 – 02.03.2025 It is the most comprehensive retrospective to date - in continuation of the exhibition of the same name, which was shown in...

AUT NOW – 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century / MAK Vienna

18.09.2024 – 18.05.2025 The MAK exhibition AUT NOW. 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century provides a varied overview of the diversity and innovative...

Animalia – The animals of Flavia Solva / Flavia Solva, Wagna, Styria

28.06.2024 - 20.06.2025 Flavia Solva, the only Roman city in present-day Styria, is one of the most important archaeological sites in Austria. The former extent...

Erzherzog Johann Museum. A life for progress / Erzherzog Johann Museum, Schloss Stainz, Styria

from 11.05.2024 Archduke Johann was one of the most influential figures in Styrian history. He also had a significant influence on the history in and...

tuten & blasen – Brass music in Vorarlberg / vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

18.05.2024 – 15.03.2025 Brass band music is an essential part of Austrian culture. There is hardly a reception, a milestone anniversary or a major celebration...


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