How do we want to live

GENERATOR #3: Queering Space! / Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, Salzburg

11.10.2024 — 23.03.2025 The one-room exhibition Queering Space presents queer perspectives for discussion that also relate to the themes of the surrounding collection exhibition. What...

Rodrigo Braga: Point Zero / Museumsquartier, MQ Freiraum, Vienna

27.09.2024 – 23.02.2025 Brazilian artist Rodrigo Braga uses various artistic means of expression such as performance, sculpture, video, photography, graphics and painting to explore the...

Teaser lavender – bildkombinat bellevue / eborangalerie, Salzburg

19.09.2024 – 22.09.2024 The wordplay teaser lavender not only refers to further activities of the artist group bildkombinat bellevue from Salzburg, but also emphasizes the...

Ursula Biemann – Becoming Earth / Museumsquartier, MQ Freiraum, Vienna

27.09.2024 – 23.02.2025 At the centre of Swiss artist Ursula Biemann's exhibition in Vienna are video works from the past ten years in which she...

Vienna Humanities Festival 2024 / various locations, Vienna

24.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 Huge challenges currently need to be solved: Climate change, global health crises, artificial intelligence, hybrid forms of new warfare and geopolitical tensions...

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