Tag: Kultur

Emsiana / Hohenems, Vorarlberg

12. – 15.05.2022. Looking beyond the borders and building bridges! The theme of this year's Hohenems Cultural Festival is "Neighborhoods".In doing so, Hohenems looks at its...

Linz Kulturcard 365

Linz - Cultural Capital of Europe has had a lasting impact. The introduction of the Linz Kulturcard 365, which allows admission to 11 museums...

Lendwirbel ’21 / Graz

Mai 2021. The colorful neighborhood festival Lendwirbel takes place! With individual actions that make up a large whole, the festival once again delights neighbors,...

Wir sind Wien Festival / Wien

01. – 23.06.2021. Variety is the program here: classical music, rock and pop, informative city explorations, an amusing tour with Maschek through Meidling, cuddly...


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