Graz is characterised by having the highest density of market stands in Europe.
One of the many marketplaces is on Lendplatz square. There you can still buy groceries that don’t go against your conscience, at most perhaps against your summer figure. Fresh produce for cooking or eating on the spot. Where you know where it comes from. Where a nice chat between producer and dealer is still common courtesy and where visitors can try out the local cuisine, especially as active young contributors have discovered for themselves the new creative district of Lend as a creative source of inspiration.
“To create a home, no matter how long it lasts. Stay for an espresso or for 5 hours” – Philosophy “Süße Luise”
It can happen that shopping in the morning ends up in the evening with a glass or two of southern Styrian wine. Because it’s simply nice to hang out in the familiar and yet cosmopolitan atmosphere on Lendplatz in the midst of numerous small market bars and eateries. A not-so-secret insider’s tip is stand number 9, “Die Süße Luise” [sweet Louise], which is run by Bernadette Pausackl and Gernot Saiko. Their recipe for success is turning regional products from the market around the corner into tarts and quiches as well as sweet and savoury goods, jams and condiments. And whatever is in season is served up for breakfast. Everything is exclusive, small and personal.
Die Süße Luise
Graz, Lendplatz / Stand 9